Turning my LinkedIn motivational Elephant Wisdom posts into podcast episodes.
My personal reflection. My need to cry and release. Trying to find that great sounding gospel song that help with my release and remind me that God is always good.
follow my linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-l-harkless-874b5735?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3BoTo47huHTvCAkWJLxMph7g%3D%3D
Instagram: @2Harks
Twitter: @mstaj_hark
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follow them at on IG @sonsofspp & twitter: @sonsofspp
Intro: Tab Anitek - Dormouse
Background: North Oakland Extasy -Squadda B
Outro: Neo Soul Jazzy