#TheHer and Him the H-dubl Hark Henry, bring another episode of good times. Today's show your favorite prodigious podcast love pledging partners, discuss coronas impact on the return of sports and when is it time for adults to grow up? Thank you for your ears. (Please forgive minor static, working through those issues, not as bad as before).
"Broadcasting from All World.................Directly from one of your neighbors basement!"
Follow us: FB: PhillipsSons.10
IG: 2Harks
Twitter: mstaj_hark
Background music credits:
Intro: Aniki by Hiroshima
Featured Artist Sista Hook by Bakari Glasper aka Tha Bridge IG: bakarithabridge, FB: Bakari Glasper
Shootin My Shot Sports Segment: SIRIUS by ALAN PARSONS PROJECT
Last Segment: Japanese Metal by doUbleU eYe doubLe eL (My cousin) https://soundcloud.com/wbf87/african-metal
Fur Funk by Text Time Records